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Ping -t - The PowerShell Way


How often have you run Ping or ping -t? How often have you run ping -t and found it still running 6 hours later? 2 days later? I know it has happened to me more than once. I thought “wouldn’t it be nice to be able to run it for a pre-determined length of time”.

We were doing some upgrades recently and we needed to run ping -t. A colleague asked if it was possible to add the date and time of the ping to the query.

Below is the result of these questions using PowerShell. Adding a date/time for each request and also running it for a pre-determined length of time.

While Statement - Condition

I’m using a while statement to continue running the statement list until the result of while is false. Using the Get-Date method AddMinutes(), I am adding 5 minutes from the current Get-Date to the $add5mins variable. This variable is then used in the while loop.

while ((Get-Date) -le $add5Mins) resolves true whilst Get-Date is less than or equal to $add5mins. See about_Operators and about_Comparison_Operators for further information.

While Statement - Statement List

In the statement list of the while statement, the value of Get-Date is returned using $(Get-Date). The result of Test-Connection -Quiet is used to return the value of either true or false. The -Count 1 parameter is used as a single ‘ping’ test. -ComputerName is the name of the machine you are attempting to ‘ping’. Start-Sleep is used so that the output below in the results section were of reasonable size. Start-Sleep suspends the while statement for 20 seconds each ‘loop’.

PowerShell Code Block

$add5Mins = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(5)

while ((Get-Date) -le $add5Mins)
    "$(Get-Date);$(Test-Connection -Count 1  -ComputerName srv1 -Quiet)";Start-Sleep -Seconds 20


Test-Connection is successful(True) and fails(False) as below. False is shown when I rebooted srv1 as Test-Connection failed.

PS C:\Windows\system32> $add5Mins = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(5)

while ((Get-Date) -le $add5Mins)
    "$(Get-Date);$(Test-Connection -Count 1  -ComputerName srv1 -Quiet)";Start-Sleep -Seconds 20
06/03/2018 18:39:35;True
06/03/2018 18:39:55;True
06/03/2018 18:40:15;True
06/03/2018 18:40:35;False
06/03/2018 18:40:59;False
06/03/2018 18:41:23;True
06/03/2018 18:41:43;True
06/03/2018 18:42:03;True
06/03/2018 18:42:23;True
06/03/2018 18:42:43;False
06/03/2018 18:43:07;True
06/03/2018 18:43:27;True
06/03/2018 18:43:47;True
06/03/2018 18:44:07;True
06/03/2018 18:44:27;True

PS C:\Windows\system32>

PowerShell Code Block - Continual Test-Connection

If you do want a continual ping, you can use:

    "$(Get-Date);$(Test-Connection -Count 1  -ComputerName srv1 -Quiet)"

You will have to CTRL+C out of this.

While statements are very useful for time based and also quantity based loops. You can set them up to run for a certain period of time as I have above, or for a certain number of loops.

Hope you’re having a great day and this is of use.

Thanks, Tim.