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My First Pester Test


I first read The Pester Book a couple of years ago. Below is my first Pester test. It tests if the Guest user account is enabled in Active Directory.

I used Write Your First Pester Test Today as a guide.

I plan on writing a lot more Pester Tests and discussing them here.


PowerShell Code Block

Describe "Testing Guest Account Disabled" {
    Context "Logins" {
        It "The Guest account should be disabled"{
            (Get-ADUser Guest).Enabled | Should be 'False'

Save the above code block with a .Tests.ps1 extension. For this example, I have saved the file as ActiveDirectory.Tests.ps1


Set-ADUser guest -Enabled $true

Invoke-Pester C:\Users\azureadmin\ActiveDirectory.Tests.ps1

Describing Testing Guest Account Disabled
   Context Logins
    [-] The Guest account should be disabled 46ms
      Expected: {False}
      But was:  {True}
      4:             (Get-ADUser Guest).Enabled | Should be 'False'
      at <ScriptBlock>, C:\Users\azureadmin\ActiveDirectory.Tests.ps1: line 4
Tests completed in 46ms
Passed: 0 Failed: 1 Skipped: 0 Pending: 0 Inconclusive: 0

Set-ADUser guest -Enabled $false

Invoke-Pester C:\Users\azureadmin\ActiveDirectory.Tests.ps1

Describing Testing Guest Account Disabled
   Context Logins
    [+] The Guest account should be disabled 40ms
Tests completed in 40ms
Passed: 1 Failed: 0 Skipped: 0 Pending: 0 Inconclusive: 0

Pester Test Results


This post was written as my first attempt at a Pester Test, using Active Directory. Hopefully you can think of some uses in your own environment to start running Pester Tests. I look forward to writing more about Pester and learning more about Test-Driven Development.

Hope you’re having a great day and this is of use.

Thanks, Tim.